Permanent Exhibitions
Our galleries provide access to a wide array of New Brunswick stories including giant marine mammals that inhabit the waters off the province’s shores; long-extinct creatures fossilized in the rocks underfoot; masterworks created by artists and artisans; and stunning achievements from Golden Age of Sail. An active program of temporary and touring exhibits complements the feature galleries.
New Brunswick Industry Gallery
Follow the river through lumbering, farming, factory, and docks. Scenarios of work, innovation and exchange highlight tools and products from the industries that shaped settlement history along the rivers and coastlines of New Brunswick. Clock in to a lumber mill and look over the products on the urban doc; check out the first model chainsaw and an early canning machine.
Wind, Wood and Sail
Follow timbers and ship’s half model right up to launch day in Parks Canada’s Commemorative site for shipbuilding. Put your hand to the work of the trades involved in building a ship, see the shipyard activity and learn about the shipping life. Enjoy how this prosperous time was celebrated in NB. The cry of “There she goes!” rang out repeatedly in the 1800’s, as wooden sailing ships were launched from New Brunswick’s many shipyards.
New Brunswick Ships Abroad
Immerse yourself in treasures collected by the New Brunswickers who travelled the world aboard ship. Barque, brig, schooner… compare masts, riggings, and artistic impressions of historic vessels afloat in ship’s portraits. New Brunswick’s early fortunes were tied to overseas shipping trade. This exhibition shows many aspects of life at sea.
Birds of New Brunswick
Ease into a rocking chair on the NBM “back porch” to enjoy the bird life of our province. NBM researchers study bird species and their habitats. 116 species are displayed in the gallery, many mounted by amateur ornithologists over a century ago. This longstanding collecting activity allows NB researchers great insight into changes over time.
Our Changing Earth
Step back into geological time to explore Earth’s last billion years. Discover an unmatched fossil collection and follow globes tracing NB’s shifting place on earth. Learn how rocks can reveal the biology of earlier eras as well as the movement of continents colliding and drifting apart over the ages.
Hall of Great Whales
Whale sightings guaranteed: discover one of the largest collections of marine mammals in Canada. Learn to identify each of the whale species found in the Bay of Fundy as you explore how NBM scientists are contributing to understanding the lives of these majestic creatures.