Team Directory
All NBM staff can be reached by email by using their
Leigh Ann Allen
Administrative Services
(506) 607-5746
Lane Atkinson, BBA, CPA
(506) 647-1740
Amanda Bremner, MSc.
Natural History
(506) 566-1545
Alison Calder
Temporary Exhibitions & Outreach
Stephen R. Clayden, Ph.D.
Botany and Mycology Section
Research Curator Emeritus
Kendra Driscoll, B.Sc., BA
Botany & Mycology
(506) 643-7670
Sean Driscoll
Temporary Exhibitions & Outreach
(506) 650-2926
Dominique Gélinas, Ph. D.
Head, Exhibitions & Visitor Experience
Acting Manager of Museum Services
Chuck Hamilton
Michelle Hébert
(506) 647-3628
Frances Heydeman
Administrative Services & Logistics
(506) 643-7981
Tandi Hooper-Clark
Museum Shop Manager
(506) 566-1866
Gary K. Hughes, M.A.
History & Technology
Curator Emeritus
Randi Jalil, B.A.
(506) 566-1721
Gregory F.M. Jongsma, Ph.D.
Assistant Curator of Zoology
Alfredo Justo, Ph.D.
Head, Botany and Mycology Section
Research Curator
(506) 647-3443
Donald McAlpine, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Natural History
Head, Zoology Section
Research Curator
(506) 343-4432
Peter J. Larocque, M.A.
Head, Humanities Department and
Art Curator
(506) 651-1308
Jennifer Longon
Archives & Research Library
(506) 643-2397
Tina McBriarty
(506) 566-1344
Bobbi-Lynne Miller
Business Office
(506) 566-2714
Randall F. Miller, Ph.D., P.Geo.
Geology and Palaeontology Section
Research Curator Emeritus
Stephen Mott, B.A
Public Programming
Catrina Russell, B.Sc. (Geology), M.Org.Manag.
Public Programming
Dee Stubbs-Lee, MA, CAPC, PAIC, FIIC
(506) 643-2341
Mary Sollows, MSc.
Natural History
(506) 643-2365
Matthew R. Stimson BSc.
Acting Section Head, Assistant Research Curator,
Geology and Palaeontology
Andrew Sullivan, M.E.M.
(506) 643-3307
Brent Suttie, MA
COO, Director of Research
(506) 643-2351
Cheryl Thorne
Museum Services
(506) 650-0360
Claire Titus
Provincial Collections Manager and Conservator
(506) 654-2153
Sherry Waycott
Administrative Secretary
(506) 643-2351
Main Contact
(506) 643-2300
Fax: (506) 643-2360
Toll free: 1-888-268-9595
Archives & Research Library
(506) 643-2322