Team Directory
All Museum staff can be reached by email using the format:
Leigh Ann van Nieuw Amerongen
Payroll and Accounting
(506) 607-5746
Lane Atkinson, BBA, CPA
(506) 647-1740
Amanda Bremner, MSc.
Natural History
(506) 566-1545
Alison Calder
Temporary Exhibitions & Outreach
Luis Cardoso
Communications and Marketing Manager
(506) 565-3700
Stephen R. Clayden, Ph.D.
Botany and Mycology Section
Research Curator Emeritus
Kendra Driscoll, B.Sc., BA
Botany & Mycology
(506) 643-7670
Sean Driscoll
Temporary Exhibitions & Outreach
(506) 650-2926
Dominique Gélinas, Ph. D.
Head, Exhibitions & Visitor Experience
Acting Manager of Museum Services
Chuck Hamilton
Michelle Hébert
(506) 647-3628
Frances Heydeman
Administrative Services & Logistics
(506) 643-7981
Tandi Hooper-Clark
Museum Boutique Manager
(506) 566-1866
Gary K. Hughes, M.A.
History & Technology
Curator Emeritus
Randi Jalil, B.A.
(506) 566-1721
Gregory F.M. Jongsma, Ph.D.
Assistant Curator of Zoology
Alfredo Justo, Ph.D.
Head, Botany and Mycology Section
Research Curator
(506) 647-3443
Peter J. Larocque, M.A.
Head, Humanities Department and
Art Curator
(506) 651-1308
Jennifer Longon
Archives & Research Library
(506) 643-2397
Donald McAlpine, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Natural History
Head, Zoology Section
Research Curator
(506) 343-4432
Tina McBriarty
(506) 566-1344
Bobbi-Lynne Miller
Business Office
(506) 566-2714
Randall F. Miller, Ph.D., P.Geo.
Geology and Palaeontology Section
Research Curator Emeritus
Stephen Mott, B.A
Public Programming
Catrina Russell, B.Sc. (Geology), M.Org.Manag.
Public Programming
Matthew R. Stimson BSc.
Acting Section Head, Assistant Research Curator,
Geology and Palaeontology
Dee Stubbs-Lee, MA, CAPC, PAIC, FIIC
(506) 643-2341
Andrew Sullivan, M.E.M.
(506) 643-3307
Brent Suttie, MA
COO, Director of Research
(506) 643-2351
Cheryl Thorne
Museum Services
(506) 650-0360
Claire Titus
Provincial Collections Manager and Conservator
(506) 654-2153
Sherry Waycott
Administrative Secretary
(506) 643-2351
Main Contact
(506) 643-2300
Fax: (506) 643-2360
Toll free: 1-888-268-9595
Archives & Research Library
(506) 643-2322