A reminder that this document SALVAGING YOUR TREASURES: A Quick Guide to Salvaging Flood-Damaged Material courtesy of the National Capital Region Conservators is still available to download from the NBM website. https://www.nbm-mnb.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/SALVAGINGYOURTREASURES.pdf
The New Brunswick Museum recognizes that with the ongoing 2019 New Brunswick Flood Relief there are many efforts that will go into saving family heritage objects, and questions on what can be done to preserve and treat flood damaged materials. A helpful document SALVAGING YOUR TREASURES: A Quick Guide to Salvaging Flood-Damaged Material Courtesy of the National Capital Region Conservators is available to download from the NBM website outlining many of the actions that could be of assistance to stabilize flood damaged materials when the public return to their homes and places of businesses. Also included are many contacts including the New Brunswick Museum, where experts in this field could provide direction to you in this process.
*Note: Be sure to contact your local Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) officials.*
For more information:
New Brunswick Museum
(506) 643-2300 / 1-888-268-9595