Know Your own Artists at the New Brunswick Museum

Call for Proposals

The New Brunswick Museum is accepting proposals from visual artists for the continuing exhibition series, KNOW YOUR OWN ARTISTS. There will be four (4) solo exhibition opportunities to be scheduled, as time and space allow, starting in 2018.

The New Brunswick Museum may also be making selections from submitted proposals for other exhibition opportunities including a new series, MEET THE ARTISTS.  This second series will be modest in scale and format and is designed to facilitate the introduction of more of the province’s artists and their work to a broader public.

Open to New Brunswick visual artists who are resident of the province. For the purpose of these exhibitions, the following definitions from the New Brunswick Museum’s Visual Art Exhibition Policy apply:

Visual art refers to a class of artforms that includes the fine arts, decorative arts and applied arts and that focus on the creation of artworks that are primarily visual in nature.
The New Brunswick Museum's visual art exhibition programme should focus on artists whose accomplishments have made a valuable contribution to the province taking into consideration the following factors:
a) that a major portion of the artist's career has related directly to New Brunswick;
b) that the artist has an exhibition record;
c) that the artist has had an influential role in teaching and/or instruction in the province.

The term "Artist" should be based on the following definitions:
a) that the artist possess a diploma in an area considered by the cultural criteria of the province to be within the domain of  the fine arts and/or applied arts (based on Canadian Artists Representation/ Le front des artistes canadiens [CARFAC] definition);
b) that the artist teaches in a school of fine art or applied art (based on CARFAC definition);
c) that the artist's work is often seen by the public or is exhibited frequently or regularly in group shows and individual exhibitions in the province, country or abroad (based on CARFAC definition);
d) if the artist is recognized as an artist by the consensus of opinion among other artists in the province, even if the person possesses none of the preceding qualifications (based on CARFAC definition);
e) the word "artist" signifies any person who devotes a qualitatively important part of his/her life to expressing and communicating an aesthetic vision of the world and who is or asks to be recognized as an artist in which s/he lives, whether or not s/he is bound by any relations of employment or association (based on the UNESCO definition).

Selection Process:  

Number of Works/Media:
An artist may submit images of up to ten (10) works.  Digital format is preferred though other formats will be accepted.

Supporting Documentation:
Proposals must include an exhibition description of up to two (2) pages, a one (1) page artist’s statement as well as a biographical summary of no more than five (5) pages outlining experience, education and exhibition history.

Proposals must be submitted in full by 31 October 2017.  Incomplete proposals will not be forwarded to the jury.

Artist’s Rights:
The New Brunswick Museum will pay artists an exhibition fee that is based on the CAR/FAC scale.  Each artist will be required to sign a release form that will allow the exhibition of the works as well as reproduction of the works for the purposes of a catalogue and promotion of the exhibition.  The artist will also receive copies of any catalogue that may be produced.

The New Brunswick Museum will insure the works while in the New Brunswick Museum’s care.  Artists must provide a current sale price for each work for insurance purposes.

Return of Work:
Works borrowed for the exhibition cannot be removed from the exhibition.  Works will be returned promptly to artists after the close of the exhibition.

Contact Information:
Full address, telephone number(s), fax number and email address are required.
Notification of any changes to contact information is the responsibility of the individual artist.

Exhibition Responsibilities:
New Brunswick Museum
The Museum will provide appropriate gallery space, complete condition reports (incoming and outgoing) and install the exhibition.
The Museum will budget a standard amount for each exhibition, with which to produce an exhibition catalogue, poster, panels and labels.
The Museum will host an opening reception, produce and distribute invitations and publicize the exhibition.
The Museum may arrange for the loan of works other than from the artist, and will pay for the travel costs for such works.  The Museum will be responsible for costs for the return of works to the artist.
The Museum will pay travel costs to the artist at provincial rates for the installation and opening of the exhibition.
The Museum will develop a standard contract for review with exhibiting artist which will outline exhibition details. (A sample of this contract is available on request from the contact below.)

Exhibiting Artist
The exhibiting artist will be responsible for the delivery of the works (with the exception of loans) to the Museum, and will ensure that works arrive and depart at times specified by the Museum.
The exhibiting artist will provide an artist statement of a specified length as well as information for standard labels.
The exhibiting artist will assist the Museum with publicity and with public events as agreed.
The exhibiting artist will have the opportunity to review exhibition publications prior to publication.

Artists will receive notification of receipt of proposals and of the final jury decision.

Send proposals to:

or by mail to:
Know Your Own Artists Project
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2K 1E5

© 2024 New Brunswick Museum / Musée du Nouveau-Brunswick